I've always been 'skinny'. My plan for the next few months is to drop the sets and reps to 3x 6-8,
Hypertrophy requires more reps, not less. So you might want stick to the 3 x 8-12 for most of your exercises and focus on eating more/better.
Also, I don't know your program, but you may be wrong about muscles being underrepresented. Unless the author of the program explicitely tells you to add exercises of your own I would think a decent sequence of compound exercises should be all you need at this stage. My personal experience has been that with a longer list of things to get through I may have subconsciously held back on the main lifts at the beginning of the session. These days I try to smash out all I've got in 30 t0 max 40 min sessions. Just looking at the calories used it's pretty much the same amount of effort as for a 1 hour session, and visible muscle growth has been noticeably higher.
Newbie question if I may;
Since early October I've been doing a 3 day/week split (usually) of push, pull and core/legs. Originally I based this off a plan I found online and added in a few exercises to target the muscles I felt were underrepresented in the plan. Having done that for a few months, I've found some definite gains and have not yet started to plateau as far as I can tell.
The plan I started on was 3x 8-12 of each exercise with a few specific movements maxing at 6-8 reps. I quite quickly changed this to be 4 sets instead of 3 and found that was more bang for my buck.
I'm not so fussed about outright strength or competing etc, but am keen to build some more muscle as I've always been 'skinny'. My plan for the next few months is to drop the sets and reps to 3x 6-8, and lift commensurately heavier, all using the same exercises.
I understand that form is crucial when substantially jumping in weight, but what else should I be looking out for or doing to avoid injury/burnout?