what's the justification. Should renters be able to deduct rent from their income tax bill? Car loan payments?
It encourages and accelerates homeownership so that people don’t need to rent. Take the Netherlands as an example, 65% homeownership rates and 30% social housing stock which is subsidised. Cars are pretty much taxed to death which they should be as they’re an unnecessary luxury.
I thought they went the other way, i.e. mega subsidies for EVs which is why it's a huge market for Tesla? Or maybe it's just that EVs are exempted from big taxes on ICe vehicles.
It encourages and accelerates homeownership so that people don’t need to rent. Take the Netherlands as an example, 65% homeownership rates and 30% social housing stock which is subsidised. Cars are pretty much taxed to death which they should be as they’re an unnecessary luxury.