yeah, its low- you would x2 75kg if using the same tyre front and back (unless you were riding a unicycle.. )
Looking at tyre manufacturers specs the max load always goes down as the wheel / tyre gets smaller. bit counter productive as generally speaking the wheel itself gets inherently stronger and can handle heavier loads the smaller it gets.
Also anecdotally when I was working on repairing cargo bikes the sidewall failures would always happen on the larger tyres, which supposedly have a higher max load.
inquired with Conti and they said something about 'max load' also being influenced by wear rate, as in there are more revolutions to cover the same distance with smaller tyres, so if you exceed the max load then your tyre tread will have a shorter service life.
tl:dr- take the manufacturers spec with a grain of salt, choose reasonable quality tyres with strong sidewalls, keep your tyres pumped up and you'll be alright i reckon :)
75kgs is a ridiculously low max load - I am pretty slim but even me + relatively weight weenie road bike would meet that