Yeah I probably do a lot of waste miles even though my miles per week is fairly low. Could never really get on with the official plans though. Some days they would ask for 3 miles and I'd want to do more, other days I'd need 11 miles and it would be a struggle. Just didn't fit and took up too much mental space. Would help to vary it a bit agreed. The 5k Park Run the other week was great because it was high paced, all out. I'm focussed on getting the long run to about 22 miles by March. The stuff in the week I might mix up a bit.
I did a few marathons based on Pfitzinger and Higdon plans, now sort of half-ass a simple version. I like to have days on the bike and there isn't much room for that in serious marathon plans. Have made peace with that costing 45 minutes in the finish time if it is more enjoyable training overall.