Always good with other’s opinions. I’ve tried a few different setups on the CFR696, and while most of them works fine, the bike have never felt too playful. Comparing the geo, I think the shorter wheelbase of SC might be the key.
@GoatandTricycle Beautiful Standert you have. Love their finishes, looks premium, like a bike equivalent to [your favorite German premium car producer].
@bur70n_ Nice, good to hear. I’ve the impression that they’re a cool brand. Their Groadinger UG seems to be spot on for my needs.
In that case this might help to narrow down what you're looking for geo-wise:
Space Chicken vs. CFR696 geo comparison
When I first built up the space chicken, I had 3cm spacers under stem, and a 44cm handlebar on it. I hated how it handled. Slammed the stem, and put on a 40cm (at hoods) bar with a flight flare. It's like a completely different bike, loving it with the current setup.
Glad I could offer no help in making your choice, the pleasure is mine :) Looking forward to see what you land on, and how it works out!