Update on my trail marathon training. Three months in, three to go. Currently doing two 9 mile weekday runs and a long run of about 16 miles at the weekends. Going to slowly drop in a third weekday run, something a bit different like loops of my local park to keep it interesting. Also am aiming to do a self-timed half mara on the actual course in a month or so. Just as a kind of dress rehearsal to the hell that awaits. Did a first Park Run the other week which was really fun. Yesterday's long run was fuelled with two Snickers and a can of Coke. Switching to SIS/shot bloks soon probably.
I did a few marathons based on Pfitzinger and Higdon plans, now sort of half-ass a simple version. I like to have days on the bike and there isn't much room for that in serious marathon plans. Have made peace with that costing 45 minutes in the finish time if it is more enjoyable training overall.
Update on my trail marathon training. Three months in, three to go. Currently doing two 9 mile weekday runs and a long run of about 16 miles at the weekends. Going to slowly drop in a third weekday run, something a bit different like loops of my local park to keep it interesting. Also am aiming to do a self-timed half mara on the actual course in a month or so. Just as a kind of dress rehearsal to the hell that awaits. Did a first Park Run the other week which was really fun. Yesterday's long run was fuelled with two Snickers and a can of Coke. Switching to SIS/shot bloks soon probably.