Did manage to get it all wired up and into the case yesterday before my practice. A little messy in places as was worried I’d not have enough wire so some were a little shorter than probably ideal lengths and have obviously now ended up with leftover wire. It all worked when the pedal was engaged though so pretty happy. There’s a little fuzz when it’s engaged but can’t hear it when it’s being played and adds a nice little overdrive to my bass and a bit more crunch to guitar.
Looking at a bass specific overdrive next and now I’ve got the excitement of one build under my belt I’ll be a bit more chilled and not rush through it as much.
Did manage to get it all wired up and into the case yesterday before my practice. A little messy in places as was worried I’d not have enough wire so some were a little shorter than probably ideal lengths and have obviously now ended up with leftover wire. It all worked when the pedal was engaged though so pretty happy. There’s a little fuzz when it’s engaged but can’t hear it when it’s being played and adds a nice little overdrive to my bass and a bit more crunch to guitar.
Looking at a bass specific overdrive next and now I’ve got the excitement of one build under my belt I’ll be a bit more chilled and not rush through it as much.
@alex_s this one is the Cranker.
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