You should be able to scrape it off with a stanley knife blade or a scraper. Go over everything with 120 grit paper once done. I would fill dents on the risers with wood filler, but probably wouldn't bother filling dents on the treads. I would coat the treads before painting the white; paint doesn't stick very well to coated wood, so you can wipe off easily if you get any on there. I would use something like Fiddes Hard Wax Oil, it comes in a range of different colours, but likely satin clear would do it. Do two to three coats. I do alternative treads and let them dry, then you can still use the stairs.
I've started sanding my stairs. Most of the paint has come off with my shit palm sander. Edges and dents on the wood left to do. My plan is to oil/ varnish the steps and paint the vertical parts white.
What is the best way to remove the last bits of paint?
What is best to coat the steps, Osmo? I guess Danish oil isn't suitable for this?
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