Nikon D7200 Camera body - comes with original battery, body cap, 3rd party charger, strap, 16gb micro SD card in adapter- shutter count is around 2741, so nearly new.. - £450
Sigma 10-20mm EX HSM wide angle lens - Nikon fit - comes with Nikon front and rear caps, hood (although it's been glued) and soft pouch- £90
Nikon DSLR items..
Nikon D7200 Camera body - comes with original battery, body cap, 3rd party charger, strap, 16gb micro SD card in adapter- shutter count is around 2741, so nearly new.. - £450
Sigma 10-20mm EX HSM wide angle lens - Nikon fit - comes with Nikon front and rear caps, hood (although it's been glued) and soft pouch- £90
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