The folks that operate conveyancing factories are probably cunts, in that they create a system that doesn't really work for anyone. But they sell a cheap service. Pays your money, takes your choice. They are largely responsible for the race to the bottom.
It's likely the broker - who basically just found you a product and filled in some digital forms - got paid more than the solicitor, who actually tries to protect you from the madness. If they are doing their job, anyway.
This isn't true at all.
The folks that operate conveyancing factories are probably cunts, in that they create a system that doesn't really work for anyone. But they sell a cheap service. Pays your money, takes your choice. They are largely responsible for the race to the bottom.
It's likely the broker - who basically just found you a product and filled in some digital forms - got paid more than the solicitor, who actually tries to protect you from the madness. If they are doing their job, anyway.