• Diets that are effective, but not fun/gimmicky/difficult don't really sell books.

    I can 100% guarantee that you'd lose weight if your diet consisted of:

    1 can of tuna, 1 apple and 2 packs of cigarettes a day.

    Only reference in the appendix would be Christian Bale's film the Machinist.

    Not sure its the best cover photo for the book.

  • Other than booze instead of tuna and apple, that was my diet as a student.

    My weight (188cm) was in the low- to mid- 60kgs, so it was effective, at least, if not the healthiest of lifestyles.

  • Depends on how much booze?!
    8 pints of fosters is 1632 calories.

    Post drinking mystery donner kebab 1000+.

    A previous boss of mine was stick thin, I think his daily diet was a greggs steak bake, a pint of milk in 10-15 teas at work and a pack of cigarettes, and the occasional evening meal.
    If you don't have much interest in food, then easy to stay thin...
