Owing to a little unplanned free time, I've decided to finally start building up and sorting out all the cycling guff I have and consolidate to the bikes I have or want.
Like every other 30-ish year old, everything I do is deeply seated in my "personal" and "tasteful" rememberings of the nineties and noughties.
Most of the plans I have involve campagnolo. With steel, aluminium and at some point some lugged carbon frames (when I find it).
All of this will be done with the aid of similar era music; grunge, rock, electronica.
I'm hoping that writing all this down so everyone can see will help to keep motivation high. As many laughs are always had when an old notepad is found with "chelli projects" written on the front and 2 pages filled in...
Owing to a little unplanned free time, I've decided to finally start building up and sorting out all the cycling guff I have and consolidate to the bikes I have or want.
Like every other 30-ish year old, everything I do is deeply seated in my "personal" and "tasteful" rememberings of the nineties and noughties.
Most of the plans I have involve campagnolo. With steel, aluminium and at some point some lugged carbon frames (when I find it).
All of this will be done with the aid of similar era music; grunge, rock, electronica.
I'm hoping that writing all this down so everyone can see will help to keep motivation high. As many laughs are always had when an old notepad is found with "chelli projects" written on the front and 2 pages filled in...