86.4kg yesterday after generally hovering around 82kg last year. Was up to 95kg at my heaviest about 5 years ago, lowest was 79kg 3 years ago. Time to make an effort to lose the padding around the waist, ideally get to 78kg but with more strength training included.
Trying a 4 day water fast.... 37 hours in, not too bad so far!
My greatest issue is sugar addiction and constant snacking. I can eat relatively healthy, predominantly plant based but have no will power when it comes to crisps, cake and chocolate.... Hoping to use the fast a reset and then cut out as much sugar / refined grains as possible after that to stabilize things a bit. We'll see!
Use the opportunity to get rid of all crisps/cakes/chocolate in the house, donate to a food bank, or chuck it in the bin for the sake of your willpower.
86.4kg yesterday after generally hovering around 82kg last year. Was up to 95kg at my heaviest about 5 years ago, lowest was 79kg 3 years ago. Time to make an effort to lose the padding around the waist, ideally get to 78kg but with more strength training included.
Trying a 4 day water fast.... 37 hours in, not too bad so far!
My greatest issue is sugar addiction and constant snacking. I can eat relatively healthy, predominantly plant based but have no will power when it comes to crisps, cake and chocolate.... Hoping to use the fast a reset and then cut out as much sugar / refined grains as possible after that to stabilize things a bit. We'll see!