I'd definitely suggest harder wheels from the outset are going to make a difference, feel more free and less sluggish. I switched wheels after a year of lessons and would have made more sense to start with harder indoor wheels as the transition took some adjustment. Isle of skate are a lovely crew. Had some great sessions with them.
Cool, thanks.
That’s essentially what I’d read but was unsure if it was one of those perceived benefits: ‘I’ve spent some money so it def feels better’ etc.
Edit - research done, RC Medallion Plus wheels have been ordered. Seem the best value dance wheel available in the uk.
I'd definitely suggest harder wheels from the outset are going to make a difference, feel more free and less sluggish. I switched wheels after a year of lessons and would have made more sense to start with harder indoor wheels as the transition took some adjustment. Isle of skate are a lovely crew. Had some great sessions with them.