When I’ve looked into this a couple of times over the years, two different bike shops said we’ll have to charge you full RRP if buying through a cycle to work scheme. Said you can’t have it both ways and get two discounts.
I was told the same thing again recently, but then the owner’s son chirped up that the fee the shop has to pay to Cyclescheme is capped at £250, so they agreed to just add £250 to the discounted price.
I was so lucky he happened to be there, or I would have just accepted what I’d been told previously.
The shop is charged 10-15% fee depending on scheme provider. Can't blame shops for wanting to recoup it. Tis the same for 0% finance, the commission amount varies though.
If a shop says it has to be full retail, say that you understand the issue and offer to cover the commission amount as a cash deposit.
Is it possible to buy a bike thats discounted in January sales on Cycle to work?