So, I dug the Xbone out of the attic it's been in for about 5 years and it seems to be powering up, but won't eject whatever is in it. Are there repairers out there, and is it worth using them? I'm not looking to do too much - partner is going away for a week in Feb, and I fancy reacquainting myself with a few games in the evenings.
(inevitably, by Easter I'll be 250 hours into another Skyrim playthrough...)
So, I dug the Xbone out of the attic it's been in for about 5 years and it seems to be powering up, but won't eject whatever is in it. Are there repairers out there, and is it worth using them? I'm not looking to do too much - partner is going away for a week in Feb, and I fancy reacquainting myself with a few games in the evenings.
(inevitably, by Easter I'll be 250 hours into another Skyrim playthrough...)