A bit of tinkering on the Bike Friday. Swapped the quill adapter/threadless stem/31.8 bars for a cleaner looking and more appropriate quill stem and 26.0 bars. Position is improved, and the stiff bars and stem previously overpowered the somewhat flexy steerer mast. Now it all plays a bit better together. Also installed some quicker tyres. Excited to get it out on the road soon.
A bit of tinkering on the Bike Friday. Swapped the quill adapter/threadless stem/31.8 bars for a cleaner looking and more appropriate quill stem and 26.0 bars. Position is improved, and the stiff bars and stem previously overpowered the somewhat flexy steerer mast. Now it all plays a bit better together. Also installed some quicker tyres. Excited to get it out on the road soon.
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