After spending a long time looking for a nice probably steel frame to build a road fixed and failing to finding anything matching both my size and my budget, I got fed up while drinking and won this frame with a cheap bid.
It's not as cool as e.g. an njs frame for road training with brake holes and cage bosses but it rides better than I expected
I should really put a rear brake on as part of the point of this was to have a fixed bike that's legal here but after building it now I just don't want to cable tie a brake cable to the top tube...
After spending a long time looking for a nice probably steel frame to build a road fixed and failing to finding anything matching both my size and my budget, I got fed up while drinking and won this frame with a cheap bid.
It's not as cool as e.g. an njs frame for road training with brake holes and cage bosses but it rides better than I expected
I should really put a rear brake on as part of the point of this was to have a fixed bike that's legal here but after building it now I just don't want to cable tie a brake cable to the top tube...