Thanks for the link!
My research so far makes it more confusing as no one can give you a definite answer. The room in question is an upstairs box room with 2 external walls. I'm in the middle of redecorating and thought lets make it warmer. Tbh the more I think about it maybe replacing the window, upgrading the radiator, checking loft and floor insulation and installing cork flooring may be more than enough
I would do a bit of your own research as to what method will work best and what to use, i get a feeling that most plasterer’s will not be up to date on what products are out there and how to use them, if you mention interstitial and cold bridging and they give you a blank look you need to find somebody else to do the job.
http://www.insulationsuperstore.co.uk have help guides/advice and is a good place to start