It's only taken me a couple moths but got round to adding the 'cyclocampeur' style mixte tubes to my a frame today.
Decided to use my Flying Scot for the project as it needed some brass adding to the bb shell and the threads recutting so the paint was getting buggered anyway.
Are you planning to carry a lot of weight with this?
Does my fat arse count?!
Nah, mainly aesthetics but also with it being skinny tubes in a large size it rides like over-cooked spaghetti so hoping to have fixed that, at least a little.
It's only taken me a couple moths but got round to adding the 'cyclocampeur' style mixte tubes to my a frame today.
Decided to use my Flying Scot for the project as it needed some brass adding to the bb shell and the threads recutting so the paint was getting buggered anyway.