What's it actually showing? It looks very high if it's per annum, not that high if it's over the whole of their time as an MP.
I suspect it's probably over their time as an MP. Majority of it will likely be staffing and office costs. A couple of staff and an office and £150k a year seems not too surprising.
For a comparison, Labour MPs claim similar amounts and Corbyn tends to claim more than average.
This shit should be supplied centrally in a big shared, boring office or at least employed as such and work in the constituency and not subject to "expenses" that are just bunging money to family members half the time.
Agreed, although the rules on family members did change a few years back and new MPs can no longer employ family members so that will become less of an issue.
What's it actually showing? It looks very high if it's per annum, not that high if it's over the whole of their time as an MP.
I suspect it's probably over their time as an MP. Majority of it will likely be staffing and office costs. A couple of staff and an office and £150k a year seems not too surprising.
For a comparison, Labour MPs claim similar amounts and Corbyn tends to claim more than average.