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  • Our camberwell flat's kitchen and lounge line up but are separated by a plaster wall (with an annoying, lop-sided serving hatch). Alongside these rooms is a corridor with firedoor entrances to each room. Others on our estate have knocked down the partitioning wall but I am undecided because, although with lots of work it will probably look better, it might make the flat harder to sell or lose value. I think it is the kind of thing a young professional would like, but maybe a family would be less keen on, for reasons of blocking noise, and basically being able to crowd manage children. what do you lot think?

  • what do you lot think?

    How long do you expect to stay there? That is going to be the primary determinant of whether the benefit of open plan is worth the costs. Would a communicating door give you the best of both worlds? My ancestral home had the dining room and kitchen opening to the hall via separate doors with a serving hatch connecting the two rooms, the addition of a communicating door between kitchen and the dining room was transformative in the social order, particularly with respect to infant herding as it allowed mother to cook and supervise the play area simultaneously.


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