Keep an eye on that though. I had pressure issues at one point and went about solving them this way but the issue was the expansion chamber which had failed, eventually the over pressure valve blew and they often don't seal properly after they've blown.
I'm probably breaking some rules by pointing out that you can test an expansion chamber even if it's integrated in the combi. Sometimes people replace them as it's a plumbing job that doesn't involve gas. Not sure that's allowed though. Integrated ones vary but mine cost approx £130 a couple of years ago.
friendly reminder to check your boiler pressure and bleed rads if needed.
only by chance spotted ours was at 3.4 bar when heating (max should be 3 bar for this one) - and was still about 2.5 bar when cold(ish).
fortunately was just a case of going around the house and letting the air out of a couple of the upstairs culprits - now back down to reading 1.3 bar cold.