There was a similar sentiment from a caller to LBC that I saw on Twitter recently. The gist was ‘I’m a stereotypical, gammony, retired prick. But I was in hospital recently with coronary problems, and therefore I’ve changed my mind about paying for public services now that it directly affects me, and someone else is paying anyway’.
Lol, guessing it was this one that I posted in the fall of the tories thread
I'm not particulalry suprised by this. Random IRL example.
I have two relatives who are gammony Express readers in their 70s. Both of them were hit by a car two weeks ago. They're going to be fine but both have leg fractures. They're having a shit time getting the care they need right now, due to the state of the NHS.
Despite being hateful tories in most circumstances, these folk spend a lot of time around nurses and directly feel the effect of them being overworked, understaffed and underpaid. From memory, the largest cohort of Express readers are people between the ages of 60 and 80.
Basically, I think the Express' readership is too closely linked to the NHS to side with the cunts on this.