Madley could of let Mick answer and then asked a follow up on is it reasonable to dismiss Christmas hasn't started yet when it has for retailers but instead has a paddy of his own making and show's he clearly has no interest in the issue and is just their to score points
But ML's move was to belittle the question and distract from the period of time before moving to his point. He's a really good debater, he knows what he is doing.
I'm not sure if Lynch is as devious as Crow was. I wonder if Crow would have had the deal done by now with less invective and more menace. McGahey compared with Scargill.
Madley could of let Mick answer and then asked a follow up on is it reasonable to dismiss Christmas hasn't started yet when it has for retailers but instead has a paddy of his own making and show's he clearly has no interest in the issue and is just their to score points
he's an absolute weapon