I've been after one ever since pawg highly recommended them at the end of the summer but there was a 2 month wait plus 2-3 weeks for uk shipping which i thought was too long so didn't bother. That's gone up to 3 months now plus the shipping wait and he's closed until new year. Esprit nato and zulu diver both do two piece nylon straps that will give you the same look but the Nick Mankeys are meant to be supremely comfortable i guess because they're elastic. Apparently Erika will make a 2 piece as a special order if you email them but I'd imagine that would be quite expensive. The hook straps look really good value as well it's just a shame they're so difficult to get hold of.
I found these though
Are you thinking of Nick Mankey? He makes single piece Erika’s MN type straps but with a different arrangement so there’s no strap under the watch head.