Albion stocked in Pinarello, Condor and Sigma in London, but we were unable to restock Zoa Rainshells to them this season because we had such limited amount - I think Condor had some left from previous season. Understand it's v frustrating, I'd want to see, and try-on a high price jacket, see the details, check layering etc, but it's aligned with a slow-growth approach, reducing risk/overstock etc.
If anyone is in SE London, you are always welcome to drop into studio in Deptford, Mon-Fri, to look at kit, just give me a heads up and I can check first on sizes/styles for you. Always nice to meet Forumers (and put a face to a cryptic digital pseudonym).
I was going to take a trip to Condor at some point (my old mate Adrian works in there I think) and try on a few bits... I have bought blind in the past and had good results but you're right, I'd rather try the jacket on first before shelling out... I think I might be between sizes as well so that won't help matters... doesn't help that I don't live in London and the run up to Xmas is always busy... first world problems!!!
Pinarello store on Regent Street used to stock Albion. Not sure if they still do..