They look super interesting (and I've seen some great tracks put together on them) but I think the tracker workflow would just frustrate me. Think it's a great option if you've used it before, but coming from a traditional DAW (or modern grooveboxes) to that would just seem like a big step backwards.
Mandatory inclusion of "limitations breed creativity" line here ;)
Also, if you want a taster of it before paying $600, you can pick up a microcontroller (Teensy I think it's called), load it with the M8 program and run it on your computer.
Think it's a great option if you've used it before, but coming from a traditional DAW (or modern grooveboxes) to that would just seem like a big step backwards.
I've always been interested in learning how to use Trackers for the sake of getting a step closer to how Jungle was made back in the day, but I don't know that I'd actually have the follow-through...
M8 Tracker is going on sale again on Monday 7am PST. Last batch for the year. Very tempted.