Yesterday in condor, on a whim I picked up the zoa burner (scarf), and against form thought I’d go for orange. Had a try of it when I got home and unfortunately could only see this
I wouldn’t ever wear or buy anything orange for this reason, and I really could have done with it today. It is an absolutely Gucci bit of kit, a really good development on the first burner, so I’ll exchange it for the black instead. Absolutely any colour but orange please
Yesterday in condor, on a whim I picked up the zoa burner (scarf), and against form thought I’d go for orange. Had a try of it when I got home and unfortunately could only see this
I wouldn’t ever wear or buy anything orange for this reason, and I really could have done with it today. It is an absolutely Gucci bit of kit, a really good development on the first burner, so I’ll exchange it for the black instead. Absolutely any colour but orange please