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  • Thread of the year? There’s much cooler things going on than this surely? Yeah it’s a really beautiful spot, feeling incredibly fortunate there was such a beautiful bit of land going.

    We had actually visited twatt church a couple times considering a renovation project but quickly realised I did not have the skill and we did not have the money for that.. I reckon we’d still be sitting damp with a fire going in the middle of it if we’d gone down that route.. it’s really tough to give a time of year, we can have beautiful weeks in spring and autumn, but the next week it can feel like winter again. I love the winter, but it can be a real problem getting here with boat cancellations sometimes and the summer can be stunning one week and then you don’t even see the coast the next week when the sea fog (haar) settles.. last year my parents left that massive heatwave and came up here to an entire week of mist and didn’t see the sun once.. a lot of the time when the weather is bad it blows through quite quickly though so you can get a nice day either side too. Those still days are amazing after a storm; kind of feels like the wind has run out

  • Wow, thanks for the imaginitive description. Sounds so mystical and relaxing, aware of the elements.
    You're too modest saying that there are cooler stuff going on. The fact that you make the time to keep track of the project in this thread is quite something. I imagine it must be a bit stressful keeping up with the construction itself.


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