The counter is, I had a nice brief chat with a friendly but slightly frustrated farmer whose land apparently had an erroneous footpath going through it as well as an actual one.
I’d give him the benefit of the doubt but there are definitely others who hide, knock over and obscure public right of ways.
I also seemingly took a wrong turn off a footpath on a track that had a gate across it with a private land no public access on the other side.
Todays told bingo;
Fuck Private Land signs.
The counter is, I had a nice brief chat with a friendly but slightly frustrated farmer whose land apparently had an erroneous footpath going through it as well as an actual one.
I’d give him the benefit of the doubt but there are definitely others who hide, knock over and obscure public right of ways.
I also seemingly took a wrong turn off a footpath on a track that had a gate across it with a private land no public access on the other side.