Our downstairs is cold because the sitting room only has a gas fire and there's no heating in the kitchen
Let me guess though - the ‘stat is downstairs…
Imagine pretty much any basic stat will do as a replacement but you could eBay search the model number of that one if you want a like for like replacement- if it is fucked
We had one of those on our old boiler, you need to make sure it's paired with the wirless receiver on the boiler.
There should be a 1 and 2 button on it, I think you had to take the batteries out of the thermostat then hold the 1 and 2 buttons in the receiver down until they flashed the put the batteries back in the thermostat whilst standing about a metre away from it then it paired.
I only had to do it once so I might be remembering wrong.
Had a horrific nights sleep, but too knackered to really think about it.
Turns out the radiators have been on all night. I had a feeling the thermostat was a bit off, but I guess it must be fucked. It's a particularly awkward time for it to happen.
It's this old BG one. Does anyone know if these are the sort of things you can reset, or do they need to be replaced?
If I need to replace it, where do I start?
Our downstairs is cold because the sitting room only has a gas fire and there's no heating in the kitchen, our upstairs is usually warm. So in a way I'm never really sure how the temperature is measured or how it should be measured.
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