I couldn't get VLC to work and although I've used it successfully before for recording from a tape deck, Audacity didn't work either, I think BBC Sounds may have some sort of security. YT Saver worked pretty well in the end, although only 3 downloads available on the free version.
I think there's a product from Rogue Amoeba. I do it with hardware but that's not recommended unless you already have some aes i/o hanging connected to your computer.
In the past I've had good results with the YT saver type programs.
I couldn't get VLC to work and although I've used it successfully before for recording from a tape deck, Audacity didn't work either, I think BBC Sounds may have some sort of security. YT Saver worked pretty well in the end, although only 3 downloads available on the free version.
Anyway, I must provide, here's some Jeru.