The Anova is on sale right now on what looks like a UK site:
https://anovaculinary.com/en-gb/products/anova-precision-cooker-pro?adnet=x&gclid=CjwKCAiAhKycBhAQEiwAgf19ehe0G6leKAL-iNGSD3qlF09sDTIjy2YtMacy3IRiyMh8ZvIM33khrxoCiMIQAvD_BwEI got their first model in 2014 for USD 265 with shipping from the US, so the current price doesn't look too bad.
But these days I would probably go with something like this:
https://www.nisbets.co.uk/caterlite-portable-sous-vide/cs939?vatToggle=incvat&plaid=1&cmmmc=PLA--18122692213--1--1&cm_mmca1=go_18122692213___c&gclid=CjwKCAiAhKycBhAQEiwAgf19eqwIvuxX53s-jmaGU9NsblGmiYMVaKrThfQTtFeahspK4uVZeX4pihoCONkQAvD_BwEThere is really not much to it and makes no sense paying crazy money for it.
Sous vide wands. Talk to me.
SeriousEats recommends the Anova Precision and the Breville Joule, but these seem to be only really available in the US at sane price points.
What can I get in UK for not silly money?