It's a lot easier to record the audio from your browser using something like https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-audio-capture/kfokdmfpdnokpmpbjhjbcabgligoelgp
Although that seems to have a 20 min limit.
You should be able to record your desktop audio with something like Audacity or VLC though.
I couldn't get VLC to work and although I've used it successfully before for recording from a tape deck, Audacity didn't work either, I think BBC Sounds may have some sort of security. YT Saver worked pretty well in the end, although only 3 downloads available on the free version.
Anyway, I must provide, here's some Jeru.
Thanks for the suggestion, I couldn't get VLC to recognise or stream the BBC URL, not sure if there's some security or I was just doing it wrong. Some joy with YTsaver, I'm still unsure whether I have a physical copy, I'll try again tomorrow!