• I can’t tell you how much this little quote has affected me.
    It has really hit me quite hard. His name was Richard and he was overweight, a heavy drinker, but had a dog called Bailey he adored. He sometimes fell asleep on the couch, drunk, cuddling his dog. He loved shit movies which we bonded over. My brother Benny worked with him and called him Richie Roundabout because ‘he was always in the fucking road’ - he just wanted to be liked so he’d follow you around, chatting, getting under your feet. I saw him last about 6 months ago, when I still delivered for Morrisons & Ocado. I pulled the van over while he was trudging home after a long shift. First thing he did was pull his shirt up, exposing his huge belly, and start rubbing it with his gob open and his tongue lolling out, staring into space. So fucking funny. I’ll miss the daft cunt so much.
