I want to properly insulate my Victorian terrace house. At the moment there is about 100mm of very old wool between the joists. So:
There isn't a gap between the old wool insulation and the first-floor ceiling. Is there supposed to be?
Currently all the cabling for the ceiling lights are running on top of the old insulation. I'm planning to lay Knauf Space Blanket on top of the existing insulation. Is it ok to sandwich the wires between the two?
Should I insulate between the joists holding the roof up or just the joists holding the first-floor ceiling up? The loft is just going to be used for light storage so I don't need it to be warm.
I want to properly insulate my Victorian terrace house. At the moment there is about 100mm of very old wool between the joists. So:
There isn't a gap between the old wool insulation and the first-floor ceiling. Is there supposed to be?
Currently all the cabling for the ceiling lights are running on top of the old insulation. I'm planning to lay Knauf Space Blanket on top of the existing insulation. Is it ok to sandwich the wires between the two?
Should I insulate between the joists holding the roof up or just the joists holding the first-floor ceiling up? The loft is just going to be used for light storage so I don't need it to be warm.