• Technically most sealed bearings don't need that much grease, too much = bearings start to skid around instead of roll, extra drag etc. However if there is space for water to get in, then it will and play havoc. Best thing for your bike is to move to south of France or Morrocco, anywhere drier than here).
    There is a table somewhere about the type of grease (NLGI type 1 is best class type for UK riding IIRC, but most come with NLGI type 2, which is better for temps of +20-50c). Theres also a table for grease brand/type vs ambient temp vs usage, as the grease should warm from the friction and turn to oil during the bulk of the usage, if it doesn't then 1) extra friction 2) chance of balls sliding = uneven wear and pitting is likely.

  • How poignant is the ‘too much grease = skiddish balls’ thing?

    I re-packed a set of ancient Chris King ISO hubs recently, and filled the bearings to the brim with grease. Will I be dieded?
