Well I’ve fitted the Molly Mawk’s and been for a spin around the village. I’m not going to lie they are kind of nice. Loads of places to put your hands, which I’m quite surprised at.
I also fitted the DX 647 pedals I got from @BareNecessities and they are fine and dandy for what I need, cheers fella. Now to sort out a way of mounting the pizza rack to the wheel nuts (I have a plan) and then I think I’ll paint it.
Well I’ve fitted the Molly Mawk’s and been for a spin around the village. I’m not going to lie they are kind of nice. Loads of places to put your hands, which I’m quite surprised at.
I also fitted the DX 647 pedals I got from @BareNecessities and they are fine and dandy for what I need, cheers fella. Now to sort out a way of mounting the pizza rack to the wheel nuts (I have a plan) and then I think I’ll paint it.