Both compressor dehumidifiers extract more water at 15°C than a desiccant dehumidifiers and using around a third of the energy.
So I guess that's whether you want that wasted energy as heat. Personally I either have the dehumidifier in a hallway so the heat is pretty ineffectual or in a spare room with the door shut (often overnight) with laundry so I don't care about the temperature in there.
If you're dehumidifying the room that you are in then I guess it may make sense but is that common?
Maybe, but 3 times faster? Particularly given that there is a dehumidifier in there so the extra moisture warm air can absorb probably isn't as important as it is constantly recycled.
From the blog:
So I guess that's whether you want that wasted energy as heat. Personally I either have the dehumidifier in a hallway so the heat is pretty ineffectual or in a spare room with the door shut (often overnight) with laundry so I don't care about the temperature in there.
If you're dehumidifying the room that you are in then I guess it may make sense but is that common?