Voting for The Green Party (Rayner too) makes a difference. They achieve things, as opposed to some in here 😉
Here it doesn't, it's a nailed on labour seat, but I do it anyway in the hope they are the second biggest party and that makes the labour MP think a little. I did vote labour when Corbyn was in charge to show some kind of support there, although I obviously wasn't voting for him, and in the by-election after the very popular local MP died in case the next one wasn't as popular, but he walked it. I vote for green councillors too but it's also all labour here by a margin.
None of that makes me a swing voter though because whatever I do doesn't matter so no one is gunning for my vote, swing voters are in the marginal seats and generally ones that could go either labour or Tory, so labour think they need to be Tory enough to convince the arseholes to go with them and the Tories are more Tory to make sure the arseholes stay with them and don't go full ukip or BNP, so they all end up pandering to arseholes rather than everyone else. That's why I was hoping with the Tories being predicted to completely flop, labour could sideline the arsehole vote and concentrate on decent stuff.
in the hope they are the second biggest party and that makes the labour MP think a little
This works to an extent (not necessarily enough) with the SNP in Scotland with the Greens being the next largest pro-independence bloc. Would it work with a single MP once elected? Questionable (but would be the ideal, IMO - as MPs should take heed of their constituents' wishes).
Voting for The Green Party (Rayner too) makes a difference. They achieve things, as opposed to some in here 😉