After my foray into the world of Brompton via a couple of recent hires, I'm set on getting a p line when I've freed up some cash. Popped into Brompton Junction on the way home and had a look, also got my hands on a t line and kind of wish I hadn't 😂 quite a wondrous piece of kit, can't get over how light it is, and how smooth all the hinges and clamps are 😬🙈
After my foray into the world of Brompton via a couple of recent hires, I'm set on getting a p line when I've freed up some cash. Popped into Brompton Junction on the way home and had a look, also got my hands on a t line and kind of wish I hadn't 😂 quite a wondrous piece of kit, can't get over how light it is, and how smooth all the hinges and clamps are 😬🙈