That's my point Re saying 'tapping it out.' There is no right or wrong to 'training' for this. Just ride your bike. It really is about just tapping the miles out, so the thing that will help you, is spending time in the saddle in whatever way you're able to. It's an endurance and time management event, not a race. So don't bother with intervals.
I think what I was trying to infer (badly) is that if you do many smaller rides, then you shouldn't necessarily need to train (unless you're an infrequent rider), and therefore to JB's point about having enough time.
“For me it’s not a mile chasing, head banging, bar chewing, macho thing. It’s really about getting out there, enjoying being out on your bike and being with other people or visiting other people. It’s about the spirit of Christmas. OK, maybe not the first 1,000km, that was a one man against the elements kind of thing. But otherwise.” - @Chopsicle
Sorry that was not really what I meant, I wrote it in a weird way... I meant how do you train for this in the weeks before the actual event?
I read about different approaches;
-2 or 3 easy longish training rides every week
-1 long ride every week and plenty interval stuff
-every week multiple concecutive training rides etc