I’ve now watched pmqs, what an abject display by Sunak. He wasn’t being asked any questions that he shouldn’t have been very well prepared for but he had zero answers. And what was going on when Starmer was asking his 3rd question (I think) sunak was reading through his notes and didn’t even notice that starmer had finished his question and sat down. it took Rabb and somebody else to get him to stand up again.
I know nobody watches pmq’s but they will watch the election debates and on this showing sunak will be dreadful, not Truss bad, but still bad.
I think the attack line that sunak is to weak too stand up to bully’s or his party or the oil companies etc could get some traction.
I’ve now watched pmqs, what an abject display by Sunak. He wasn’t being asked any questions that he shouldn’t have been very well prepared for but he had zero answers. And what was going on when Starmer was asking his 3rd question (I think) sunak was reading through his notes and didn’t even notice that starmer had finished his question and sat down. it took Rabb and somebody else to get him to stand up again.
I know nobody watches pmq’s but they will watch the election debates and on this showing sunak will be dreadful, not Truss bad, but still bad.
I think the attack line that sunak is to weak too stand up to bully’s or his party or the oil companies etc could get some traction.