Mattnav took his Cross Check on its maiden outing on Sunday morning, unfortunately I wasn't able to go due to decorating commitments (fucking hate decorating).
He loves it! Phew.
Couple of minor details for me to sort out,
Seems I may have wrapped the bar tape too tight, the delicate little flower needs a bit more cushioning under his hands, easy fix.
Dropped chain on the outside of the outer ring, front derailleur needs fettling.
I advised he go on a gentle, flatish ride for his first outing after recovering from his chest infection, and to get familiar with his new bike, 25 miles or so......
But no, our plucky hero went and did 40+ miles, with 3000ft of climbing, and now feels like shit again!
Mattnav took his Cross Check on its maiden outing on Sunday morning, unfortunately I wasn't able to go due to decorating commitments (fucking hate decorating).
He loves it! Phew.
Couple of minor details for me to sort out,
I advised he go on a gentle, flatish ride for his first outing after recovering from his chest infection, and to get familiar with his new bike, 25 miles or so......
But no, our plucky hero went and did 40+ miles, with 3000ft of climbing, and now feels like shit again!
When will these youngsters learn?