Just handed it back after 4 days, recommended the hire place replace the brakes, as got them down to the copper pins on front or back, couldn't tell. Hoot of a car, not exactly fast, but quick enough, and 40-80 mph twisty a roads are its happy place. Low speed corners with rough road surface it becomes apparent its a basic car with simple suspension/dampers, but the shell and general dynamics of it are great. Most honest car I've driven in a few years for sure, if we needed something small in the fam, would be one of those!
I've a 2018 Swift mild hybrid. The extra battery is under the front seat. Helps it to 60mpg though. Just coming up to 30k miles. Nothing but consumables. A little harsh ride and noisy tyres, it's on cross climates. Would recommend, its wholly made in Japan with no bits from other makers.