Thanks for this, no worries at all, that's useful info, I got a photo of the gills on the last one but didn't post it. I'm a total noob and kind of assumed these may have been obvious and easily identified by some of the more knowledgeable people here, but I guess it's not always that straightforward. I thought the first one looked like something, the other two are a bit more generic looking. I'm just enjoying spotting new stuff when I'm out and about at the moment and trying to learn some bits along the way.
Oh, I'm definitely in the "new to this" camp as well. As a newbie I'd definitely need to see the gills/pore/spikes etc before I could start to wonder what they might be. There's still only a small number of funghi I am confident in my ID of.
This is a good "pocket" guide for more common things you might come across, I'd trust a book more than an app, the apps are generally not so great at correct IDs.
Please don't take this as criticism but more an offer of advice! It's hard to ID from photos alone but here's some tips to gather the information needed to get closer to an ID next time!