drinks to forget existential angst
We don't have existential angst. Boomers have forgotten how shit the olden days were, so they think now is worse. Millenials imagine things are going to get worse and they are going to have to live through it. I'm here to tell you things have never been better and even if your nightmares come true I don't give a shit because I'll be dead by then 🙂
I suspect you’re not laying awake all night thinking hard enough about this.
Gen X have never had it better, yet still we can’t find our peace. We don’t have any real nightmares but still fear falling asleep because we’ll have to wake up to another day without meaning. We have more than our parents had and more than the millennials will have and all it’s taught us is none of it means anything, but because science killed god we’ve got no one left to turn to.
Except RSO.
Accurate if it means Gen X drinks to forget existential angst.