Sorry I meant I think of you as peak centrist-dad.
Genuinely amazed that is what I give off online tbh. I really think any effort at nuance on the internet falls on death ears.
Edit: Aaaaah...I know why. Its because I grumble about the left of the Labour party being in sabotage mode and think Starmer is doing a reasonable job at maximising the chances of winning the next election. That does not make me a centerist. That makes me an observationist. It does not represent my own political beliefs.
Lol. Kind of offended that anybody could think I am a small c conservative. I was raised about as left wing as you can get! If my my Mum saw what you just wrote she'd be horrified!
Fun fact: The only reason I was born in the UK and not in Austria is because my great grandfather and grandfather were both exiled for their left wing activism. My family weren't even allowed into the USA until the mid nineties!