Managed to get the machine working again thanks to a bit of ghetto electronics.
As it stands, I have nearly enough Tofu made for those on the list already.
Those on the list for lfgss, I am still working on getting the design out properly. The machine was shredding the thread in the nearest blue. As a result it may not be that blue I use I’m afraid.
Finally, those on BOTH lists, you must decide if you are happy to pay postage twice, or want to wait an as yet undetermined period until I get the lufguss patches sorted as well and send all at once.
Managed to get the machine working again thanks to a bit of ghetto electronics.
As it stands, I have nearly enough Tofu made for those on the list already.
Those on the list for lfgss, I am still working on getting the design out properly. The machine was shredding the thread in the nearest blue. As a result it may not be that blue I use I’m afraid.
Finally, those on BOTH lists, you must decide if you are happy to pay postage twice, or want to wait an as yet undetermined period until I get the lufguss patches sorted as well and send all at once.